Alphabetical listing of Places in World
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Zoi | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 33.12 | 76.10 | 10908 | 298 |
Zoi | city | Gbarpolu | Liberia | 7.66 | -10.46 | 1102 | 2980 |
Zoi | city | Grand Cape Mount | Liberia | 6.78 | -11.24 | 830 | 542 |
Zoi | city | Bomi | Liberia | 6.75 | -10.96 | 275 | 743 |
Zoi Chongkyir | city | Gansu | China | 34.99 | 102.91 | 9507 | 3031 |
Zoibie | city | Kayes | Mali | 15.02 | -11.32 | 830 | 460 |
Zoical | city | Chiapas | Mexico | 15.44 | -92.32 | 8389 | 9434 |
Zoicaru | city | Ilfov | Romania | 44.45 | 26.45 | 141 | 3569 |
Zoicarul | city | Ilfov | Romania | 44.45 | 26.45 | 141 | 3569 |
Zoichene | city | Blagoevgrad | Bulgaria | 41.47 | 23.03 | 3595 | 4175 |
Zoicun | city | Xizang | China | 31.00 | 97.20 | 12873 | 571 |
Zoiesome | city | Nimba | Liberia | 6.77 | -9.12 | 830 | 2928 |
Zoigar | city | Xizang | China | 31.80 | 91.40 | 16788 | 149 |
Zoige'nyinma | city | Gansu | China | 34.00 | 102.07 | 11748 | 447 |
Zoigê | city | Sichuan | China | 33.58 | 102.96 | 11302 | 745 |
Zoigê’nyinma | city | Gansu | China | 34.00 | 102.07 | 11748 | 447 |
Zoika | city | Ninawa | Iraq | 36.87 | 43.72 | 1958 | 4619 |
Zoila | city | Las Tunas | Cuba | 20.90 | -77.27 | 127 | 26802 |
Zoila | city | | Cuba | 23.05 | -82.52 | 104 | 20457 |
Zoila | city | Matanzas | Cuba | 22.79 | -81.52 | 177 | 20179 |
Zoila | city | Villa Clara | Cuba | 22.02 | -80.03 | 2509 | 5034 |
Zoila | city | Ciego de Avila | Cuba | 21.75 | -78.58 | 49 | 4529 |
Zoila | city | Las Tunas | Cuba | 20.88 | -77.28 | 118 | 26477 |
Zoila | city | Holguin | Cuba | 20.72 | -75.97 | 124 | 17119 |
Zoilaluz | city | Guayas | Ecuador | -1.75 | -79.78 | 104 | 17688 |
Zoilo | city | Minas Gerais | Brazil | -22.00 | -43.20 | 1669 | 8106 |
Zoilpo | city | Bobonaro | East Timor | -9.12 | 125.31 | 2027 | 6190 |
Zoina | city | Caras-Severin | Romania | 45.07 | 22.42 | 2509 | 1591 |
Zoio | city | Braganca | Portugal | 41.75 | -6.92 | 3349 | 783 |
Zoiskal | city | Artvin | Turkey | 41.02 | 41.57 | 7716 | 1937 |
Zoisome | city | Nimba | Liberia | 6.77 | -9.12 | 830 | 2928 |
Zoissa | city | Dodoma | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -5.68 | 36.38 | 5029 | 4138 |
Zoitani | city | Botosani | Romania | 48.07 | 26.97 | 830 | 3491 |
Zoitanu | city | Botosani | Romania | 48.07 | 26.97 | 830 | 3491 |
Zoiteni | city | Botosani | Romania | 48.07 | 26.97 | 830 | 3491 |
Zoitzach | city | Salzburg | Austria | 47.17 | 13.82 | 5029 | 5273 |
Zoizeau Laine | city | No | Haiti | 19.82 | -72.50 | 866 | 26755 |
Zoiţa | city | Buzau | Romania | 45.30 | 27.03 | 236 | 7654 |
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