
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Omt'aegok city P'yongbuk Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 39.95 125.06 961 4556
Omtabangpara city Chittagong Bangladesh 21.77 92.23 9 41627
Omtaguda city Odisha India 19.60 83.06 2719 7896
Omtchouomo city Cuvette-Ouest Congo -0.30 14.63 1722 447
Omtepe Airport airport 11.52 -85.70 200 0
Omtet city Shan State Burma 22.84 97.16 4274 4740
Omteyon city Mandoul Chad 8.30 17.73 1190 2235
Omtsjak city Magadanskaya Oblast' Russia 61.64 147.88 2572 0
Omtsjikandja city Sakha (Yakutiya) Russia 69.62 141.80 830 0

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