Alphabetical listing of Places in World
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Gheba | city | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | Pakistan | 33.97 | 73.02 | 2509 | 55696 |
Gheba Giandura | city | Oromiya | Ethiopia | 9.13 | 34.57 | 5029 | 5194 |
Ghebal - Telassa | city | Chlef | Algeria | 36.44 | 1.14 | 1040 | 8928 |
Ghebale | city | Mont-Liban | Lebanon | 34.05 | 35.72 | 2762 | 49609 |
Ghebalé | city | Mont-Liban | Lebanon | 34.06 | 35.72 | 2565 | 51444 |
Gheband | city | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | Pakistan | 34.98 | 71.90 | 6223 | 25335 |
Ghebani | city | Gorj | Romania | 45.17 | 23.63 | 1669 | 6024 |
Ghebari | city | Vrancea | Romania | 45.78 | 26.77 | 1820 | 4246 |
Ghebas | city | Sumale | Ethiopia | 6.20 | 43.46 | 1040 | 745 |
Ghebawala | city | Punjab | Pakistan | 32.39 | 71.87 | 830 | 13432 |
Ghebbaa | city | | Libya | 32.09 | 13.01 | 2509 | 32558 |
Ghebe | city | Punjab | India | 32.17 | 75.65 | 912 | 66553 |
Ghebe di Dhok | city | Punjab | Pakistan | 33.52 | 72.46 | 1669 | 18619 |
Ghebewala | city | Punjab | Pakistan | 32.22 | 71.45 | 830 | 18153 |
Ghebewāla | city | Punjab | Pakistan | 32.43 | 71.82 | 830 | 15157 |
Ghebi | city | | Georgia | 42.77 | 43.51 | 5029 | 447 |
Ghebi | city | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | Pakistan | 32.01 | 70.92 | 830 | 12069 |
Ghebida | city | Ngounie | Gabon | -1.22 | 11.27 | 1669 | 0 |
Ghebigaboda | city | Sumale | Ethiopia | 7.02 | 42.72 | 2509 | 1033 |
Ghebleh | city | Fars | Iran | 29.59 | 52.52 | 5029 | 109966 |
Gheboaia | city | Dambovita | Romania | 44.80 | 25.75 | 830 | 7879 |
Gheboasa | city | Dambovita | Romania | 45.07 | 25.60 | 1181 | 7787 |
Gheboeni | city | Dambovita | Romania | 44.98 | 25.30 | 1669 | 10660 |
Gheboieni | city | Dambovita | Romania | 44.98 | 25.30 | 1669 | 10660 |
Gheboula | city | Tanger-Tetouan | Morocco | 35.04 | -4.77 | 2919 | 8046 |
Ghebra | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 33.01 | 75.58 | 6709 | 22165 |
Ghebro | city | Afar | Ethiopia | 14.35 | 40.23 | -1689 | 3938 |
Ghebte Gholooe Aval | city | Fars | Iran | 29.78 | 52.76 | 5869 | 62576 |
Ghebte Gholooe Dovom | city | Fars | Iran | 29.79 | 52.76 | 5239 | 55390 |
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