Alphabetical listing of Places in World
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Doebbelin | city | Sachsen-Anhalt | Germany | 52.57 | 11.79 | 108 | 9299 |
Doebberin | city | Brandenburg | Germany | 52.44 | 14.37 | 223 | 7582 |
Doebbersen | city | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Germany | 53.58 | 11.07 | 114 | 2792 |
Doebbrick | city | Brandenburg | Germany | 51.82 | 14.34 | 206 | 34520 |
Doebeln | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.12 | 13.11 | 830 | 38993 |
Doebeltitz | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.50 | 13.09 | 272 | 3427 |
Doeben | city | Sachsen-Anhalt | Germany | 51.97 | 11.77 | 173 | 20326 |
Doeben | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.24 | 12.76 | 830 | 20570 |
Doeberitz | city | Brandenburg | Germany | 52.50 | 13.07 | 141 | 45624 |
Doeberitz | city | Brandenburg | Germany | 52.52 | 12.37 | 91 | 17289 |
Doeberkitz | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.19 | 14.34 | 830 | 18913 |
Doeberln | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.12 | 13.11 | 830 | 38993 |
Doebern | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.25 | 12.92 | 830 | 4352 |
Doebern | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.62 | 14.60 | 830 | 1105 |
Doebern | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.60 | 12.99 | 262 | 21266 |
Doebern | city | Sachsen-Anhalt | Germany | 51.60 | 12.40 | 269 | 9910 |
Doeberner Grenze | city | Brandenburg | Germany | 51.63 | 14.60 | 830 | 1188 |
Doebernitz | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.51 | 12.35 | 324 | 25461 |
Doebitz | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.38 | 12.52 | 400 | 26888 |
Doebitzschen | city | Sachsen-Anhalt | Germany | 51.08 | 12.24 | 830 | 17934 |
Doeblitz | city | Sachsen-Anhalt | Germany | 51.56 | 11.83 | 357 | 8457 |
Doeblitz | city | Thuringen | Germany | 50.74 | 11.85 | 1177 | 6589 |
Doebna | city | Moskovskaya Oblast' | Russia | 56.73 | 37.17 | 383 | 48015 |
Doebra | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.33 | 14.17 | 830 | 18657 |
Doebra | city | Sachsen | Germany | 50.84 | 13.84 | 1669 | 5428 |
Doebriach | city | Karnten | Austria | 46.78 | 13.66 | 3349 | 3599 |
Doebrichau | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.60 | 13.13 | 272 | 3348 |
Doebris | city | Sachsen-Anhalt | Germany | 51.12 | 12.13 | 830 | 15553 |
Doebritschen | city | Thuringen | Germany | 51.04 | 11.68 | 830 | 4885 |
Doebritz | city | Thuringen | Germany | 50.69 | 11.64 | 1154 | 6854 |
Doebritzchen | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.26 | 13.56 | 830 | 12798 |
Doebschke | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.19 | 14.32 | 830 | 8552 |
Doebschuetz | city | Sachsen | Germany | 51.19 | 14.76 | 830 | 285 |
Doebān | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 34.09 | 74.55 | 5383 | 91908 |
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