Alphabetical listing of Places in Matabeleland North
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Aberelwyn | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -19.60 | 28.18 | 3582 | 0 |
Acutt and Crewes Block | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -19.84 | 28.28 | 4189 | 0 |
Acutt and Crews Block | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -19.84 | 28.28 | 4189 | 0 |
Acutts Farm | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -19.55 | 29.00 | 4189 | 1083 |
Alfafa | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -19.48 | 28.75 | 4189 | 1043 |
Alfalfa | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -19.48 | 28.75 | 4189 | 1043 |
Alfalfa Estate | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -19.48 | 28.75 | 4189 | 1043 |
Alicedale | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -19.92 | 28.25 | 4189 | 0 |
Allendale North | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -19.73 | 29.08 | 4543 | 1158 |
Amanzana | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -19.78 | 28.48 | 4189 | 0 |
Annaly | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -19.90 | 28.84 | 4461 | 790 |
Annex Antoinette | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -18.85 | 27.20 | 3349 | 0 |
Antoinette | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -18.83 | 27.18 | 3349 | 0 |
Auchenbeg | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -19.83 | 28.34 | 4189 | 0 |
Auckland | city | Matabeleland North | Zimbabwe | -19.51 | 29.03 | 4189 | 1271 |
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