Alphabetical listing of Places in United States
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
ג'פרסון סיטי | city | Missouri | United States | 38.58 | -92.17 | 830 | |
גונו | city | Alaska | United States | 58.30 | -134.42 | 0 | |
גונסון סיטי | city | Tennessee | United States | 36.31 | -82.35 | 1696 | |
גופלין | city | Missouri | United States | 37.08 | -94.51 | 1003 | |
גורגטאון | city | District of Columbia | United States | 38.90 | -77.06 | 42 | |
גושן | city | New York | United States | 41.40 | -74.32 | 830 | |
גיג הרבור | city | Washington | United States | 47.33 | -122.58 | 26 | |
גיימסטאון | city | Virginia | United States | 37.21 | -76.77 | 0 | |
גיינסוויל | city | Florida | United States | 29.65 | -82.32 | 118 | |
גילברט | city | Arizona | United States | 33.35 | -111.79 | 1669 | |
גילט | city | Wyoming | United States | 44.29 | -105.50 | 4599 | |
גלנדייל | city | Arizona | United States | 33.54 | -112.19 | 1115 | |
גלנדייל | city | California | United States | 34.14 | -118.26 | 830 | |
גמייקה | city | New York | United States | 40.69 | -73.81 | 22 | |
גספר | city | Alabama | United States | 33.83 | -87.28 | 351 | |
גפני | city | South Carolina | United States | 35.07 | -81.65 | 830 | |
גפרסון סיטי | city | Missouri | United States | 38.58 | -92.17 | 830 | |
גקסון | city | Mississippi | United States | 32.30 | -90.18 | 265 | |
גקסונוויל | city | Florida | United States | 30.33 | -81.66 | 22 | |
גקפוט | city | Nevada | United States | 41.98 | -114.67 | 5331 | |
גראנד גנקשן | city | Colorado | United States | 39.06 | -108.55 | 4616 | |
גרזי סיטי | city | New Jersey | United States | 40.73 | -74.08 | 85 | |
גרילי | city | Colorado | United States | 40.42 | -104.71 | 5029 | |
גרין ביי | city | Wisconsin | United States | 44.52 | -88.02 | 830 | |
גרינוויטש וויליזש | city | New York | United States | 40.73 | -74.00 | 19 | |
גרינוויל | city | North Carolina | United States | 35.61 | -77.37 | 26 | |
גרינוויל | city | South Carolina | United States | 34.85 | -82.39 | 889 | |
גריניץ וילג | city | New York | United States | 40.73 | -74.00 | 19 | |
גרינסבורו | city | North Carolina | United States | 36.07 | -79.79 | 853 | |
גרנד פורקס | city | North Dakota | United States | 47.93 | -97.03 | 830 | |
גרנד ראפידס | city | Michigan | United States | 42.96 | -85.67 | 830 | |
גרשם | city | Oregon | United States | 45.50 | -122.43 | 380 | |
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