Alphabetical listing of Places in United Kingdom
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
에니스킬린 | city | Fermanagh and Omagh | United Kingdom | 54.35 | -7.64 | 200 | 2384 |
에든버러 | city | City of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | 55.95 | -3.20 | 104 | 102042 |
에버리스트위스 | city | Ceredigion | United Kingdom | 52.42 | -4.07 | 223 | 8422 |
에어드리 | city | North Lanarkshire | United Kingdom | 55.85 | -3.98 | 367 | 50930 |
에일즈베리 | city | Buckinghamshire | United Kingdom | 51.82 | -0.80 | 367 | 46701 |
에임즈버리 | city | Wiltshire | United Kingdom | 51.17 | -1.78 | 334 | 6707 |
에핑 | city | Essex | United Kingdom | 51.70 | 0.12 | 249 | 49496 |
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