Directory of Cities and Towns in Kole, Uganda

Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Fallingrain

Alphabetical listing of Places in Kole

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Aboke city Kole Uganda 2.34 32.69 3490 21153
Aboki city Kole Uganda 2.34 32.69 3490 21153
Akalu city Kole Uganda 2.13 32.85 3556 16692
Alito city Kole Uganda 2.40 32.81 3635 26318
Apala city Kole Uganda 2.30 32.78 3490 20768
Apala city Kole Uganda 2.33 32.78 3421 19567
Apedi city Kole Uganda 2.37 32.80 3461 21093
Api city Kole Uganda 2.32 32.78 3513 19773
Ayer city Kole Uganda 2.26 32.70 3457 20953
Bala city Kole Uganda 2.17 32.76 3467 19410
Kole city Kole Uganda 2.40 32.80 3461 26698
Ngohyobia city Kole Uganda 2.18 32.77 3549 20227
Otwal city Kole Uganda 2.46 32.72 3500 20784

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