Directory of Cities and Towns in Amudat, Uganda

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Amudat

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Amdat city Amudat Uganda 1.95 34.95 4189 566
Amudat city Amudat Uganda 1.95 34.95 4189 566
Karita city Amudat Uganda 1.57 34.93 4603 2690
Katabok city Amudat Uganda 1.77 34.85 5869 373
Kotabok city Amudat Uganda 1.77 34.85 5869 373
Kotulel city Amudat Uganda 1.95 34.90 4189 427
Lokales city Amudat Uganda 1.45 34.80 5049 718
Loporococho city Amudat Uganda 1.53 34.72 4189 907
Loporokocho city Amudat Uganda 1.53 34.72 4189 907
Murut city Amudat Uganda 2.10 34.90 4389 745
Paripari city Amudat Uganda 1.60 34.85 4520 450

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