Alphabetical listing of Places in Tanzania, United Rep. of
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Ntama | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.42 | 31.77 | 4189 | 5516 |
Ntandi | city | Mtwara | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -10.33 | 40.43 | 0 | 1556 |
Ntanila | city | Mbeya | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -7.85 | 33.35 | 4438 | 1043 |
Ntankwa | city | Tabora | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -5.28 | 32.52 | 3697 | 0 |
Ntara | city | Dodoma | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -7.10 | 35.97 | 1876 | 2553 |
Ntawia | city | Ruvuma | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -11.58 | 37.50 | 1669 | 0 |
Ntegu | city | Lindi | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -10.22 | 39.90 | 183 | 3065 |
Ntendachi | city | Mtwara | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -10.38 | 40.32 | 45 | 5779 |
Ntengeza | city | Tanga | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -5.02 | 39.03 | 78 | 34111 |
Ntigu | city | Tabora | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -4.33 | 33.48 | 4189 | 6109 |
Ntimbi | city | Tabora | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -4.52 | 31.95 | 3562 | 0 |
Ntitimu | city | Kigoma | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -4.82 | 30.55 | 4189 | 7599 |
Ntitumu | city | Kigoma | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -4.83 | 30.55 | 4189 | 7599 |
Ntobo | city | Shinyanga | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -3.65 | 32.45 | 4219 | 5960 |
Ntoma | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.42 | 31.77 | 4189 | 5516 |
Ntondo | city | Kigoma | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -6.14 | 29.89 | 5387 | 0 |
Ntorya | city | Mtwara | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -10.42 | 40.05 | 830 | 7003 |
Ntukuju | city | Mbeya | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -9.25 | 33.65 | 4255 | 17453 |
Ntumago | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -3.07 | 31.10 | 4189 | 5662 |
Ntumba | city | Rukwa | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -8.33 | 32.08 | 5029 | 4768 |
Ntumbi | city | Singida | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -6.38 | 35.10 | 3421 | 0 |
Ntungamo | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.78 | 31.25 | 5029 | 5662 |
Ntungamo | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.58 | 30.50 | 5039 | 11904 |
Ntunganire | city | Geita | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.63 | 31.82 | 3717 | 848 |
Ntungulu | city | Shinyanga | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -3.90 | 32.97 | 4189 | 5627 |
Ntuntu | city | Singida | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -5.13 | 34.98 | 5062 | 4172 |
Ntwike | city | Singida | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -4.25 | 34.20 | 3500 | 5215 |
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