Alphabetical listing of Places in Kagera
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Lu Hama | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.70 | 31.36 | 5029 | 5688 |
Lujebe | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.55 | 31.15 | 5029 | 8493 |
Lukare | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.71 | 31.12 | 5029 | 8851 |
Lukokorome | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.27 | 31.02 | 5029 | 9387 |
Lusahanga | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.91 | 31.20 | 5029 | 5662 |
Lusahunga | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.91 | 31.20 | 5029 | 5662 |
Lwabanuka | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.20 | 30.65 | 5869 | 8493 |
Lwandare | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.69 | 31.10 | 5029 | 8693 |
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