Alphabetical listing of Places in Kagera
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Bashebi | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.72 | 30.92 | 5029 | 8493 |
Biaramulo | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.63 | 31.31 | 5029 | 5664 |
Bibainja | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.42 | 31.77 | 4189 | 5516 |
Bibainji | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.42 | 31.77 | 4189 | 5516 |
Bigenyi | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.48 | 30.86 | 4189 | 8493 |
Biharamulo | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.63 | 31.31 | 5029 | 5664 |
Bihata | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.23 | 31.47 | 5029 | 16199 |
Bihonzi | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.64 | 30.65 | 4543 | 9408 |
Biirabo | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.85 | 31.55 | 5029 | 19072 |
Bikoni | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.63 | 31.04 | 4189 | 5676 |
Bisheshe | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.68 | 31.12 | 5029 | 8755 |
Biyungu | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.65 | 30.97 | 4445 | 8493 |
Bugandika | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.25 | 31.65 | 4189 | 9387 |
Bugara | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.19 | 30.99 | 5324 | 8912 |
Bugarama | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.87 | 30.53 | 5029 | 9296 |
Bugene | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.59 | 31.14 | 5029 | 8543 |
Bugomora | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.06 | 30.79 | 5029 | 8593 |
Bugorora | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.23 | 31.55 | 3766 | 9387 |
Buguruka | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.59 | 31.17 | 4189 | 8689 |
Buhendengabo | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.23 | 31.80 | 4189 | 8148 |
Buhimba | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.62 | 30.98 | 4603 | 5662 |
Buhororo | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.54 | 30.62 | 5869 | 9387 |
Bujuruga | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.58 | 31.17 | 4189 | 8628 |
Bujuruga | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.59 | 31.17 | 4189 | 8689 |
Bukiriro | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.81 | 30.53 | 5029 | 9387 |
Bukiriro | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.78 | 30.55 | 5029 | 9387 |
Bukiro | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.81 | 30.53 | 5029 | 9387 |
Bukoba | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.33 | 31.81 | 3759 | 76602 |
Bulembe | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.02 | 31.63 | 3723 | 8414 |
Bulifani | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.26 | 31.47 | 4189 | 9387 |
Bumbire | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.62 | 31.87 | 3723 | 4589 |
Bumbiri | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.62 | 31.87 | 3723 | 4589 |
Bunazi | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.21 | 31.41 | 3772 | 9387 |
Buragara | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.73 | 30.83 | 4225 | 7164 |
Burangare | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.73 | 30.83 | 4225 | 7164 |
Burigi | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.20 | 31.27 | 4189 | 13927 |
Burindima | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.73 | 31.00 | 4402 | 6009 |
Bushasha | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.08 | 31.80 | 4189 | 6103 |
Businde | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.14 | 30.95 | 4520 | 8810 |
Busindi | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.14 | 30.95 | 4520 | 8810 |
Busoro | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.43 | 30.78 | 5029 | 9719 |
Butakia | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.65 | 31.50 | 4189 | 12435 |
Butemere | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -3.03 | 31.13 | 4471 | 5662 |
Butimore | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.98 | 31.18 | 5029 | 5662 |
Butungo | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -2.72 | 31.30 | 5114 | 5684 |
Buvongo | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.10 | 30.50 | 4353 | 9596 |
Buyango | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.15 | 31.64 | 4189 | 9387 |
Bwanjai | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.22 | 31.70 | 4189 | 9387 |
Bweranyange | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.71 | 30.97 | 5869 | 8493 |
Bwere | city | Kagera | Tanzania, United Rep. of | -1.39 | 30.91 | 4412 | 8493 |
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