Directory of Cities and Towns in Appenzell Innerrhoden, Switzerland

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Appenzell Innerrhoden

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Aescher city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.28 9.41 3700 7407
Apencelis city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.33 9.41 2670 11820
Apencelo city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.33 9.41 2670 11820
Appenzell city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.33 9.41 2670 11820
Appenzell Schlatt city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.36 9.40 3349 20337
Appenzello city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.33 9.41 2670 11820
Escher city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.28 9.41 3700 7407
Gonten city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.33 9.35 3349 7896
Haslen city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.37 9.37 2828 39508
Haslen AI city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.37 9.37 2828 39508
Oberegg city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.43 9.55 2650 33237
Oberegg AI city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.43 9.55 2650 33237
Oberegg District city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.43 9.55 2650 33237
Schlatt city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.36 9.40 3349 20337
Wasserauen city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.28 9.43 5029 8101
Weissbad city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.31 9.43 3349 10095
Äscher city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.28 9.41 3700 7407
Аппенцелль city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.33 9.41 2670 11820
Гонтен city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.33 9.35 3349 7896
Оберег city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.43 9.55 2650 33237
Оберегг city Appenzell Innerrhoden Switzerland 47.43 9.55 2650 33237

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