Directory of Cities and Towns in Basel-Stadt, Switzerland

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Basel-Stadt

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bale city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Basel city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Basilea city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Basileia city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Basilej city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Basilia city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Basle city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Baxiłea city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Bazelis city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Bazelo city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Bazilej city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Bazylea city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Bettingen city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.60 7.65 967 117356
Bettingen BS city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.60 7.65 967 117356
Bāzele city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Kleinbasel city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.57 7.61 849 249762
Kleinhuningen city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.58 7.59 830 228920
Riehen city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.58 7.65 1669 165973
Robur city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Sankt Johann city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.57 7.58 830 237945
Базел city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Базель city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Базель хот city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Базэль city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Беттинген city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.60 7.65 967 117356
Горад Базель city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
Риен city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.58 7.65 1669 165973
Риэн city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.58 7.65 1669 165973
Բազել city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
באזעל city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
בזל city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
بازل city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
ريهين city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.58 7.65 1669 165973
ریہین city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.58 7.65 1669 165973
बासल city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
বাজেল city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
பேசெல் city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
บาเซิล city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
པ་སེལ། city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
ბაზელი city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
ባዝል city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
バーゼル city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
巴塞爾 city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
白才尔 city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947
贝廷根 city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.60 7.65 967 117356
바젤 city Basel-Stadt Switzerland 47.56 7.57 872 231947

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