Directory of Cities and Towns in Becej, Serbia

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Becej

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Alt-Betsche city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
Altbetsche city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
Becej city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
Becse city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
Becsej city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
Bečejus city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
Obecse city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
Stari Becej city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
Бечей city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
Бечеј city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
בציי city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
بيتشي city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
بچی city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
بیچیی city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
بێچێی city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
贝切伊 city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190
베체이 city Becej Serbia 45.62 20.04 272 20190

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