Directory of Cities and Towns in Remich, Luxembourg

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Remich

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Aassel city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.32 830 10180
Altwies city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.26 830 7062
Altwis city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.26 830 7062
Assel city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.32 830 10180
Bad Mondorf city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.28 830 7393
Bains city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.28 830 7393
Bech city Remich Luxembourg 49.53 6.35 830 9152
Bech-Kleinmacher city Remich Luxembourg 49.53 6.35 830 9152
Bech-Maacher city Remich Luxembourg 49.53 6.35 830 9152
Berghaff city Remich Luxembourg 49.63 6.33 1017 6958
Bergshof city Remich Luxembourg 49.63 6.33 1017 6958
Beyerholtz city Remich Luxembourg 49.61 6.30 830 9271
Beyerholz city Remich Luxembourg 49.61 6.30 830 9271
Beyerholzerhof city Remich Luxembourg 49.61 6.30 830 9271
Bicherhaff city Remich Luxembourg 49.59 6.32 872 8403
Biirmeréng city Remich Luxembourg 49.49 6.32 872 8475
Bous city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.33 830 9105
Briedemes city Remich Luxembourg 49.56 6.36 830 8264
Bucherhof city Remich Luxembourg 49.59 6.32 872 8403
Burmerange city Remich Luxembourg 49.49 6.32 872 8475
Bürmeringen city Remich Luxembourg 49.49 6.32 872 8475
Canach city Remich Luxembourg 49.61 6.33 843 7642
Convenio de Schengen city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175
Dalheim city Remich Luxembourg 49.54 6.26 1082 8219
Daundorf city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.29 830 7548
Duelem city Remich Luxembourg 49.54 6.26 1082 8219
Ellange city Remich Luxembourg 49.52 6.30 869 8350
Elléng city Remich Luxembourg 49.52 6.30 869 8350
Elvange city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.32 830 9213
Elvange-lès-Burmerange city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.32 830 9213
Elveng city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.32 830 9213
Elvingen city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.32 830 9213
Emerange city Remich Luxembourg 49.49 6.29 830 8158
Erpeldange city Remich Luxembourg 49.54 6.33 830 9842
Erpeldange-lez-Bous city Remich Luxembourg 49.54 6.33 830 9842
Ersange city Remich Luxembourg 49.57 6.28 830 9333
Ferme Beyerholz city Remich Luxembourg 49.61 6.30 830 9271
Ferme Daundorf city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.29 830 7548
Ferme Heidscheuer city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.26 889 8611
Ferme Heisbourg city Remich Luxembourg 49.57 6.31 830 8910
Ferme Reckange city Remich Luxembourg 49.53 6.32 859 10658
Filsdorf city Remich Luxembourg 49.53 6.25 1013 7649
Fëlschdref city Remich Luxembourg 49.53 6.25 1013 7649
Gemeng Munneref city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.28 830 7393
Gemeng Schengen city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175
Greiveldange city Remich Luxembourg 49.58 6.36 830 7741
Greiweldéng city Remich Luxembourg 49.58 6.36 830 7741
Haff city Remich Luxembourg 49.63 6.33 1017 6958
Haff city Remich Luxembourg 49.61 6.30 830 9271
Haff city Remich Luxembourg 49.59 6.32 872 8403
Haff city Remich Luxembourg 49.57 6.31 830 8910
Heedscheier city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.26 889 8611
Heesberhaff city Remich Luxembourg 49.57 6.31 830 8910
Heidscheuer city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.26 889 8611
Heisbourg city Remich Luxembourg 49.57 6.31 830 8910
Heisburgerhof city Remich Luxembourg 49.57 6.31 830 8910
Hetscheuer city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.26 889 8611
Ierpeldeng city Remich Luxembourg 49.54 6.33 830 9842
Ierseng city Remich Luxembourg 49.57 6.28 830 9333
Kaffeshof city Remich Luxembourg 49.61 6.30 830 9271
Kaffishaff city Remich Luxembourg 49.61 6.30 830 9271
Kanech city Remich Luxembourg 49.61 6.33 843 7642
Kleinmacher city Remich Luxembourg 49.53 6.36 830 9152
Lenningen city Remich Luxembourg 49.60 6.37 830 7267
Mondorf le Benas city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.28 830 7393
Mondorf-les-Bains city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.28 830 7393
Munneref city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.28 830 7393
Reckingerhaff city Remich Luxembourg 49.53 6.32 859 10658
Reckingerhof city Remich Luxembourg 49.53 6.32 859 10658
Remerschen city Remich Luxembourg 49.49 6.35 830 9031
Remich city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.37 830 8611
Remichas city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.37 830 8611
Roedt city Remich Luxembourg 49.57 6.29 830 8934
Roedt-les-Trintange city Remich Luxembourg 49.57 6.29 830 8934
Rolling city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.32 830 10473
Rollingen city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.32 830 10473
Rolléng city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.32 830 10473
Réimech city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.37 830 8611
Rödt city Remich Luxembourg 49.57 6.29 830 8934
Scheierhaff city Remich Luxembourg 49.59 6.32 830 8064
Schengen city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175
Scheuerhof city Remich Luxembourg 49.59 6.32 830 8064
Scheuerhof-lès-Canach city Remich Luxembourg 49.59 6.32 830 8064
Schwebsange city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.36 830 9651
Schwebsingen city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.36 830 9651
Schwéidsbéngen city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.36 830 9651
Stadtbredimus city Remich Luxembourg 49.56 6.36 830 8264
Trintange city Remich Luxembourg 49.57 6.28 830 9333
Trënténg city Remich Luxembourg 49.57 6.28 830 9333
Waldbredimus city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.29 830 8735
Waldbriedemes city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.29 830 8735
Welfrange city Remich Luxembourg 49.54 6.28 915 8101
Welfréng city Remich Luxembourg 49.54 6.28 915 8101
Wellenstein city Remich Luxembourg 49.52 6.34 830 9695
Wellesteen city Remich Luxembourg 49.52 6.34 830 9695
Wentréng city Remich Luxembourg 49.50 6.35 830 9945
Wintrange city Remich Luxembourg 49.50 6.35 830 9945
Wintringen city Remich Luxembourg 49.50 6.35 830 9945
Wolfsmuhle city Remich Luxembourg 49.53 6.32 859 10658
Wolfsmuhle-lès-Ellange city Remich Luxembourg 49.53 6.32 859 10658
Éimereng city Remich Luxembourg 49.49 6.29 830 8158
Šengenas city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175
Мондорф-ле-Бен city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.28 830 7393
Ремих city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.37 830 8611
Реміх city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.37 830 8611
Рејмех city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.37 830 8611
Рэміх city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.37 830 8611
Шенген city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175
שנגן city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175
رمیش city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.37 830 8611
شنگن لوکزامبورگ city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175
شينجن city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175
موندورف city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.28 830 7393
ෂෙන්ගන් city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175
მონდორფ-ლე-ბენი city Remich Luxembourg 49.51 6.28 830 7393
შენგენი city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175
シェンゲン city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175
申根 city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175
神根 city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175
雷米希 city Remich Luxembourg 49.55 6.37 830 8611
솅겐 city Remich Luxembourg 49.47 6.36 830 8175

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