Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Osa | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.95 | 126.75 | 32 | 11004 |
Osa | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.71 | 128.37 | 118 | 15749 |
Osa | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.10 | 128.51 | 830 | 1982 |
Osa-dong | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.43 | 129.14 | 311 | 32863 |
Osa-ri | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.10 | 128.50 | 830 | 2261 |
Osa-ri | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.95 | 126.75 | 32 | 11004 |
Osa-ri | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.55 | 126.47 | 26 | 7323 |
Osa-ri | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.71 | 128.37 | 118 | 15749 |
Osa-ri | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.83 | 126.43 | 167 | 30136 |
Osadong | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.43 | 129.14 | 311 | 32863 |
Osaegi | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.58 | 128.46 | 111 | 13002 |
Osaeng-ni | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 38.08 | 128.45 | 1669 | 5157 |
Osaengi | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.68 | 126.67 | 45 | 12475 |
Osaengni | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 38.08 | 128.45 | 1669 | 5157 |
Osakgol | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.56 | 128.46 | 68 | 13780 |
Osal-li | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.50 | 126.34 | 36 | 7948 |
Osal-li | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.73 | 126.80 | 36 | 37791 |
Osal-li | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.55 | 127.30 | 830 | 6407 |
Osal-li | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.00 | 128.19 | 236 | 8531 |
Osal-li | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.41 | 126.64 | 0 | 16153 |
Osal-li | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.39 | 126.96 | 236 | 7722 |
Osal-li | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.62 | 126.89 | 383 | 9583 |
Osal-li | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.08 | 127.29 | 830 | 10167 |
Osal-li | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.52 | 127.98 | 830 | 30920 |
Osal-li | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.42 | 126.63 | 6 | 14252 |
Osal-li | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.33 | 127.15 | 830 | 292512 |
Osal-li | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.19 | 127.10 | 127 | 169525 |
Osal-li | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.80 | 126.92 | 32 | 48414 |
Osal-li | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.59 | 127.38 | 830 | 5981 |
Osal-li | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.98 | 127.22 | 209 | 10268 |
Osal-li | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.93 | 127.03 | 9 | 101219 |
Osal-li | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.90 | 129.41 | 216 | 3774 |
Osal-li | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.01 | 127.69 | 830 | 4757 |
Osal-li | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.13 | 127.28 | 305 | 8516 |
Osal-li | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.40 | 128.01 | 830 | 5960 |
Osal-li | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.99 | 128.27 | 830 | 7968 |
Osalli | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.33 | 127.15 | 830 | 292512 |
Osalli | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.19 | 127.10 | 127 | 169525 |
Osalmi | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.27 | 126.95 | 193 | 34348 |
Osalmoe | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.39 | 126.96 | 236 | 7722 |
Osan | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.63 | 127.46 | 830 | 8230 |
Osan | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.51 | 126.90 | 6 | 9416 |
Osan | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.50 | 126.34 | 36 | 7948 |
Osan | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.15 | 127.07 | 55 | 181938 |
Osan | city | | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.93 | 126.92 | 6 | 89679 |
Osan | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.83 | 127.34 | 1135 | 5693 |
Osan | city | | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.07 | 127.28 | 288 | 10532 |
Osan | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.00 | 128.19 | 236 | 8531 |
Osan | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.98 | 127.01 | 830 | 9096 |
Osan | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.80 | 126.67 | 32 | 13081 |
Osan | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.69 | 126.74 | 95 | 9131 |
Osan | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.65 | 126.80 | 13 | 8898 |
Osan | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.41 | 126.64 | 0 | 16153 |
Osan | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.62 | 126.89 | 383 | 9583 |
Osan | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.36 | 128.79 | 1669 | 2975 |
Osan | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.89 | 129.41 | 0 | 4021 |
Osan | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.28 | 127.99 | 170 | 10702 |
Osan | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.37 | 128.79 | 13 | 21761 |
Osan | city | Incheon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.74 | 126.39 | 62 | 7102 |
Osan | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.91 | 127.45 | 331 | 63588 |
Osan | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.24 | 127.56 | 196 | 50355 |
Osan | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.53 | 127.99 | 830 | 24667 |
Osan | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.78 | 127.06 | 242 | 124602 |
Osan | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.93 | 127.84 | 1909 | 5012 |
Osan | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.87 | 127.92 | 1669 | 4286 |
Osan | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.28 | 126.95 | 193 | 31423 |
Osan | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.49 | 126.66 | 173 | 16241 |
Osan | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.01 | 127.69 | 830 | 4800 |
Osan | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.69 | 127.69 | 1669 | 6386 |
Osan | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.52 | 127.60 | 1669 | 6263 |
Osan | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.94 | 128.36 | 154 | 26914 |
Osan | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.92 | 128.21 | 249 | 8344 |
Osan | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.55 | 128.62 | 301 | 11178 |
Osan | city | Ulsan | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.44 | 129.30 | 42 | 101794 |
Osan | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.23 | 127.01 | 262 | 15029 |
Osan-dong | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.70 | 127.22 | 830 | 90666 |
Osan-ni | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.15 | 128.55 | 131 | 149652 |
Osan-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.63 | 127.46 | 830 | 8230 |
Osan-ni | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.85 | 126.73 | 3 | 15944 |
Osan-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.51 | 126.90 | 6 | 9416 |
Osan-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.50 | 126.34 | 36 | 7948 |
Osan-ni | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.73 | 126.80 | 36 | 37791 |
Osan-ni | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.55 | 127.30 | 830 | 6407 |
Osan-ni | city | | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.52 | 126.67 | 26 | 8452 |
Osan-ni | city | Gwangju | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.23 | 126.73 | 49 | 31799 |
Osan-ni | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.15 | 127.07 | 55 | 181938 |
Osan-ni | city | | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.93 | 126.92 | 6 | 89679 |
Osan-ni | city | | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.07 | 127.28 | 288 | 10532 |
Osan-ni | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.00 | 128.19 | 236 | 8531 |
Osan-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.98 | 127.01 | 830 | 9096 |
Osan-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.80 | 126.67 | 32 | 13081 |
Osan-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.69 | 126.74 | 95 | 9131 |
Osan-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.41 | 126.64 | 0 | 16153 |
Osan-ni | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.39 | 126.96 | 236 | 7722 |
Osan-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.62 | 126.89 | 383 | 9583 |
Osan-ri | city | | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.93 | 126.92 | 6 | 89679 |
Osan-ri | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.33 | 127.15 | 830 | 292512 |
Osan-ri | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.19 | 127.10 | 127 | 169525 |
Osandong | city | Gwangju | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.23 | 126.73 | 49 | 31799 |
Osandong | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.81 | 126.90 | 308 | 26681 |
Osang | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.50 | 126.34 | 36 | 7948 |
Osang-dong | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.51 | 127.89 | 895 | 1062 |
Osang-gol | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.15 | 126.97 | 213 | 45500 |
Osang-ni | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.99 | 127.47 | 246 | 13521 |
Osang-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.50 | 126.34 | 36 | 7948 |
Osang-ni | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.43 | 128.28 | 830 | 8364 |
Osang-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.85 | 126.08 | 377 | 7428 |
Osang-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.50 | 126.34 | 36 | 6752 |
Osang-ni | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.19 | 128.39 | 104 | 70783 |
Osang-ni | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.32 | 128.75 | 830 | 6854 |
Osangch'on | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.10 | 128.35 | 1190 | 3918 |
Osanmal | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.76 | 126.95 | 124 | 52248 |
Oseguk | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.14 | 128.70 | 1115 | 5652 |
Osei-ri | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.50 | 127.84 | 341 | 5960 |
Oseitō-ri | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.12 | 125.99 | 0 | 223 |
Osen-ri | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.11 | 127.82 | 298 | 6258 |
Oseong | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.01 | 126.98 | 26 | 19737 |
Oseong | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.36 | 126.97 | 236 | 11598 |
Oseong | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.06 | 127.02 | 830 | 53687 |
Oseonggye | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.43 | 127.29 | 180 | 48158 |
Oseongjeong | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.78 | 127.87 | 830 | 2853 |
Oseontae | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.81 | 126.69 | 200 | 17901 |
Osi-gol | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.94 | 127.06 | 1151 | 8417 |
Osi-ri | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.10 | 128.50 | 830 | 2261 |
Osigol | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.73 | 128.10 | 830 | 49892 |
Osikto-dong | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.96 | 126.56 | 0 | 7791 |
Osikto-ri | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.96 | 126.56 | 0 | 7791 |
Osil | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.20 | 127.73 | 830 | 12911 |
Osil | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.89 | 127.87 | 170 | 12683 |
Osil | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.41 | 127.11 | 301 | 31072 |
Osil | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.76 | 128.15 | 948 | 7410 |
Osil-li | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.50 | 127.36 | 377 | 8845 |
Osilgae | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.14 | 129.03 | 866 | 12008 |
Osim-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.50 | 126.54 | 141 | 8724 |
Osim-ni | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.48 | 127.77 | 830 | 7748 |
Osimi | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.48 | 127.77 | 830 | 7748 |
Osin | city | Busan | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.21 | 129.20 | 68 | 291492 |
Osin-ni | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.50 | 127.36 | 377 | 8845 |
Osinaraettam | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.06 | 128.42 | 3 | 50892 |
Osinsaettam | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.07 | 128.42 | 101 | 62960 |
Osipchae | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.50 | 126.54 | 141 | 8724 |
Osiryang | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.91 | 127.07 | 830 | 7965 |
Oso | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.48 | 128.36 | 196 | 8103 |
Oso | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.62 | 126.90 | 95 | 9602 |
Oso | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.89 | 129.12 | 2509 | 3432 |
Oso-dong | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.48 | 128.36 | 196 | 8103 |
Oso-dong | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.58 | 128.27 | 249 | 6923 |
Oso-ri | city | Jeju | Korea, Republic of (South) | 33.46 | 126.92 | 3 | 6928 |
Oso-ri | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.10 | 128.42 | 206 | 81576 |
Oso-ri | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.57 | 128.27 | 249 | 6860 |
Osodong | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 38.46 | 128.32 | 1062 | 3498 |
Osoe-dong | city | Seoul | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.54 | 126.80 | 42 | 1001346 |
Osoedong | city | Seoul | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.54 | 126.80 | 42 | 1001346 |
Osoeri | city | Seoul | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.54 | 126.80 | 42 | 1001346 |
Osol | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.99 | 128.43 | 278 | 34682 |
Osom | city | | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.72 | 127.38 | 0 | 7514 |
Osong | city | | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.82 | 128.60 | 55 | 25454 |
Osong | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.01 | 126.98 | 26 | 19737 |
Osong | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.90 | 127.24 | 830 | 9942 |
Osong | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.15 | 128.15 | 187 | 61810 |
Osong | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.61 | 127.32 | 62 | 95639 |
Osong-gol | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.90 | 129.04 | 1669 | 1043 |
Osong-ni | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.80 | 126.35 | 3 | 18104 |
Osong-ni | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.10 | 126.70 | 127 | 4948 |
Osong-ni | city | | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.82 | 128.60 | 55 | 25454 |
Osonggye | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.43 | 127.29 | 180 | 48158 |
Osongjong | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.78 | 127.87 | 830 | 2853 |
Osongjŏng | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.82 | 127.27 | 360 | 56909 |
Osongkol | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.90 | 129.04 | 1669 | 1043 |
Osont'ae | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.81 | 126.69 | 200 | 17901 |
Osoroji | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.25 | 126.62 | 29 | 2511 |
Osowŏl | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.99 | 128.43 | 278 | 34682 |
Ossaem-gol | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.08 | 127.60 | 328 | 11151 |
Ossŭ-ri | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.41 | 126.95 | 0 | 1726 |
Osu | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.84 | 128.59 | 29 | 34461 |
Osu | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.80 | 127.36 | 9 | 21716 |
Osu | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.67 | 127.27 | 173 | 7897 |
Osu-dong | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.78 | 127.97 | 830 | 11426 |
Osu-ri | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.53 | 127.33 | 367 | 6406 |
Osu-ri | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.84 | 128.59 | 29 | 34461 |
Osu-ri | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.30 | 126.89 | 19 | 29372 |
Osumul | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.78 | 127.97 | 830 | 11426 |
Osumul | city | Incheon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.77 | 126.41 | 36 | 8085 |
Osumul | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.94 | 127.78 | 308 | 70506 |
Osumul | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.12 | 127.50 | 830 | 18454 |
Osŏ | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.74 | 127.10 | 862 | 5833 |
Osŏndae | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.49 | 126.99 | 830 | 7301 |
Osŏng | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.23 | 128.18 | 830 | 8875 |
Osŏng-dong | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.60 | 126.79 | 59 | 7625 |
Osŏng-ni | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.49 | 126.66 | 830 | 16128 |
Osŏng-ni | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.58 | 127.44 | 1669 | 5609 |
Osŏnggŭm | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.45 | 126.85 | 68 | 6225 |
Osŏnt’ae | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.81 | 126.69 | 200 | 17901 |