Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Oga-dong | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.27 | 128.17 | 360 | 6766 |
Oga-dong | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.43 | 128.45 | 830 | 6752 |
Oga-ri | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.27 | 128.17 | 360 | 6766 |
Oga-ri | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.82 | 127.95 | 944 | 10215 |
Oga-ri | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 38.08 | 128.45 | 1669 | 5157 |
Oga-ri | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.48 | 127.47 | 88 | 96282 |
Oga-ri | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.66 | 127.97 | 1138 | 18259 |
Oga-ri | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.61 | 128.19 | 232 | 7128 |
Ogaegok | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.98 | 129.39 | 75 | 4624 |
Ogalmi | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.38 | 128.15 | 183 | 40448 |
Ogam | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.27 | 127.70 | 209 | 22816 |
Ogam-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.73 | 127.05 | 941 | 6525 |
Ogam-ni | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.58 | 126.65 | 232 | 37257 |
Ogamul | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.81 | 126.86 | 59 | 16110 |
Ogang-ni | city | | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.03 | 126.75 | 16 | 88781 |
Ogang-ni | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.26 | 127.07 | 6 | 16834 |
Ogani | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.14 | 126.72 | 75 | 3436 |
Ogari | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.77 | 129.25 | 987 | 30881 |
Ogasil | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.47 | 128.09 | 830 | 6589 |
Ogat | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.54 | 127.29 | 830 | 6407 |
Ogeil | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.35 | 129.01 | 1013 | 4164 |
Ogeum | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.03 | 126.93 | 98 | 8053 |
Ogeum-dong | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.35 | 126.93 | 295 | 761040 |
Ogeum-ri | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.33 | 127.65 | 314 | 27269 |
Ogeumcheolli | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 38.36 | 128.43 | 305 | 7091 |
Ogeumdong | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.66 | 126.91 | 265 | 390290 |
Ogeumdong | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.91 | 127.01 | 298 | 39263 |
Ogeumdong | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 38.14 | 127.24 | 830 | 11742 |
Ogeumni | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.33 | 127.65 | 314 | 27269 |
Ogeuni | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.10 | 127.65 | 830 | 12637 |
Ogeuraemi | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.92 | 128.83 | 1669 | 4843 |
Ogi-ri | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.74 | 129.20 | 1669 | 2831 |
Ogil | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.87 | 128.93 | 387 | 14679 |
Ogil-tong | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.87 | 128.93 | 387 | 14679 |
Ogin-dong | city | Seoul | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.58 | 126.96 | 351 | 1347733 |
Ogindong | city | Seoul | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.58 | 126.96 | 351 | 1347733 |
Ogodae | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.75 | 127.57 | 226 | 24846 |
Ogok | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.20 | 127.73 | 830 | 12911 |
Ogok | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.89 | 127.87 | 170 | 12683 |
Ogok | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.79 | 126.29 | 55 | 23767 |
Ogok | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.91 | 127.46 | 255 | 70611 |
Ogok | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.73 | 128.43 | 0 | 3570 |
Ogok | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.19 | 128.38 | 875 | 14472 |
Ogok | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.76 | 127.07 | 830 | 6050 |
Ogok | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.97 | 127.07 | 830 | 8493 |
Ogok | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.76 | 128.15 | 948 | 7602 |
Ogok | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 38.04 | 126.88 | 331 | 8808 |
Ogok | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.73 | 128.40 | 370 | 28170 |
Ogok-dong | city | Seoul | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.55 | 126.79 | 39 | 849240 |
Ogok-tong | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.73 | 128.43 | 0 | 3570 |
Ogok-tong | city | Seoul | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.55 | 126.79 | 39 | 849240 |
Ogok-tong | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.45 | 128.84 | 2509 | 3045 |
Ogok-tong | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.41 | 127.12 | 830 | 33610 |
Ogokdong | city | Seoul | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.55 | 126.79 | 39 | 849240 |
Ogol | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.65 | 127.22 | 232 | 15845 |
Ogol | city | Ulsan | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.59 | 129.30 | 830 | 281009 |
Ogong | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.79 | 127.55 | 1082 | 4825 |
Ogong-ni | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.89 | 127.87 | 170 | 12683 |
Ogong-ni | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.94 | 126.77 | 9 | 10324 |
Ogong-ni | city | | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.70 | 126.80 | 22 | 18248 |
Ogong-ni | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.64 | 127.02 | 311 | 9307 |
Ogong-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.91 | 127.46 | 118 | 67698 |
Ogong-ni | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.79 | 126.29 | 55 | 23767 |
Ogong-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.91 | 127.46 | 255 | 70611 |
Ogong-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.83 | 126.97 | 830 | 8944 |
Ogong-ni | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.82 | 127.28 | 367 | 52687 |
Ogong-ni | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.19 | 128.38 | 875 | 14472 |
Ogong-ni | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.74 | 129.42 | 203 | 6485 |
Ogonggol | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.72 | 126.64 | 42 | 49149 |
Ogsan | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.28 | 128.09 | 305 | 5960 |
Ogu | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.82 | 128.51 | 95 | 11960 |
Ogu | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.83 | 127.79 | 0 | 24028 |
Ogu | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.50 | 128.03 | 830 | 19608 |
Ogu-mal | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.38 | 128.38 | 1036 | 1043 |
Ogu-ri | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.82 | 128.51 | 95 | 11960 |
Oguch'on | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.91 | 128.04 | 915 | 2371 |
Ogum | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.91 | 127.01 | 298 | 39263 |
Ogum | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.65 | 128.63 | 324 | 7769 |
Ogum-ni | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.66 | 126.91 | 265 | 390290 |
Ogum-ni | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.98 | 129.27 | 26 | 53964 |
Ogum-ni | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.33 | 127.65 | 314 | 27269 |
Ogumai | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.91 | 128.04 | 915 | 2371 |
Ogumal | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 38.12 | 127.91 | 908 | 3331 |
Ogumch'on | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 38.36 | 128.43 | 305 | 7091 |
Ogumch'on-ni | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 38.36 | 128.43 | 305 | 7091 |
Ogumi | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.24 | 127.15 | 26 | 28596 |
Ogung-ni | city | Jeonbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.69 | 127.23 | 905 | 7202 |
Ogusan | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.31 | 128.25 | 1669 | 7259 |
Ogwan | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.49 | 126.69 | 108 | 7600 |
Ogwan-ni | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.49 | 126.69 | 108 | 7600 |
Ogwang-ni | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.30 | 128.05 | 334 | 5960 |
Ogwon | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.19 | 129.32 | 252 | 105 |
Ogwŏl-li | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.19 | 129.32 | 150 | 105 |
Ogwŏn-ni | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.19 | 129.32 | 150 | 105 |
Ogwŏn-ni | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.19 | 129.32 | 252 | 105 |
Ogya-ch'on | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.09 | 127.56 | 321 | 8706 |
Ogya-ch’on | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.09 | 127.56 | 321 | 8706 |
Ogya-ri | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.89 | 126.59 | 13 | 8478 |
Ogyachon | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.09 | 127.56 | 321 | 8706 |
Ogyangdong | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.63 | 127.89 | 1079 | 9960 |
Ogye | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.38 | 128.39 | 154 | 6851 |
Ogye | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.62 | 127.90 | 1072 | 11716 |
Ogye-ri | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.27 | 127.59 | 246 | 37706 |
Ogye-ri | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.62 | 127.90 | 1072 | 11385 |
Ogyeon | city | Gwangju | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.13 | 126.75 | 32 | 131061 |
Ogyeon | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.81 | 128.83 | 252 | 58308 |
Ogyeri | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.27 | 127.59 | 246 | 37706 |
Ogyon | city | Gwangju | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.13 | 126.75 | 32 | 131061 |
Ogyong | city | Jeonnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 34.63 | 126.13 | 255 | 3413 |
Ogyong-dong | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.57 | 128.45 | 82 | 13243 |
Ogyong-ni | city | Chungnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.62 | 126.70 | 32 | 37030 |
Ogyul-tong | city | Gyeongbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 36.17 | 128.10 | 830 | 40705 |
Ogyŏl-li | city | Gyeongnam | Korea, Republic of (South) | 35.32 | 128.43 | 390 | 16719 |
Ogŏri | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.67 | 126.82 | 98 | 287809 |
Ogŭm | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.03 | 126.93 | 98 | 8053 |
Ogŭm-dong | city | Gyeonggi | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.35 | 126.93 | 295 | 761040 |
Ogŭmch’ŏn | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 38.36 | 128.43 | 305 | 7091 |
Ogŭmch’ŏn-ni | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 38.36 | 128.43 | 305 | 7091 |
Ogŭni | city | Chungbuk | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.10 | 127.65 | 830 | 12637 |
Ogŭrani | city | Gangwon | Korea, Republic of (South) | 37.15 | 128.49 | 856 | 10651 |