Alphabetical listing of Places in India
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Dhāng | city | Himachal Pradesh | India | 30.88 | 77.32 | 5226 | 15412 |
Dhāngaon | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 22.58 | 80.68 | 1965 | 15656 |
Dhāngar | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 32.87 | 74.54 | 1017 | 19967 |
Dhāngaraīha | city | Jharkhand | India | 24.12 | 83.82 | 830 | 76041 |
Dhāngarbighā | city | Bihar | India | 24.67 | 84.20 | 830 | 36663 |
Dhāngardiha | city | Jharkhand | India | 24.50 | 83.56 | 830 | 25855 |
Dhāngardīh | city | Jharkhand | India | 24.08 | 84.11 | 830 | 83883 |
Dhāngardīh | city | Jharkhand | India | 24.18 | 84.22 | 862 | 45548 |
Dhāngardīh | city | Jharkhand | India | 24.35 | 84.31 | 1007 | 31301 |
Dhāngardīha | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 24.36 | 83.33 | 830 | 18830 |
Dhāngardīhā | city | Jharkhand | India | 24.19 | 84.26 | 980 | 45800 |
Dhāngarpāra | city | Chhattisgarh | India | 22.80 | 81.98 | 1948 | 22761 |
Dhāngartola | city | Jharkhand | India | 24.22 | 83.58 | 830 | 48060 |
Dhāngartoli | city | Bihar | India | 24.64 | 83.73 | 1686 | 8966 |
Dhāngartoli | city | Bihar | India | 25.56 | 87.59 | 78 | 298117 |
Dhāngartoli | city | Bihar | India | 25.60 | 87.74 | 78 | 99958 |
Dhāngarwās | city | Rajasthan | India | 26.05 | 73.51 | 830 | 8890 |
Dhāngegaon | city | Maharashtra | India | 21.15 | 77.37 | 1181 | 44906 |
Dhāngi | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 23.51 | 80.74 | 1669 | 24502 |
Dhāngi | city | Bihar | India | 25.65 | 87.84 | 91 | 106209 |
Dhāngo | city | Bihar | India | 25.30 | 84.26 | 239 | 114989 |
Dhāngora | city | Jharkhand | India | 24.62 | 87.76 | 295 | 61914 |
Dhāngri | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 33.32 | 74.34 | 2788 | 24779 |
Dhāngritāl | city | Odisha | India | 20.13 | 82.45 | 954 | 18367 |
Dhāngu Malla | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.99 | 78.50 | 2509 | 11868 |
Dhāngwali Mājri | city | Punjab | India | 30.94 | 76.70 | 1187 | 39410 |
Dhāngāra | city | Bihar | India | 26.18 | 87.18 | 157 | 93009 |
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