Alphabetical listing of Places in India
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Каваратти | city | Lakshadweep | India | 10.57 | 72.62 | 0 | 10144 |
Каваратті | city | Lakshadweep | India | 10.57 | 72.62 | 0 | 10144 |
Кавелосим | city | | India | 15.18 | 73.95 | 16 | 91787 |
Кавелоссим | city | | India | 15.18 | 73.95 | 16 | 91787 |
Кадири | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 14.11 | 78.16 | 1669 | 73398 |
Кайтхал | city | Haryana | India | 29.80 | 76.40 | 830 | 121312 |
Какинада | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 16.96 | 82.24 | 9 | 435351 |
Калангут | city | | India | 15.54 | 73.76 | 42 | 78610 |
Калимпонг | city | West Bengal | India | 27.07 | 88.48 | 3349 | 58402 |
Калки | city | Himachal Pradesh | India | 30.84 | 76.94 | 2509 | 102253 |
Калпетта | city | Kerala | India | 11.61 | 76.08 | 2549 | 55200 |
Калпи | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.12 | 79.73 | 367 | 61610 |
Калькута | city | West Bengal | India | 22.56 | 88.36 | 42 | 1502606 |
Калькуттæ | city | West Bengal | India | 22.56 | 88.36 | 42 | 1502606 |
Калькутта | city | West Bengal | India | 22.56 | 88.36 | 42 | 1502606 |
Кальян | city | Maharashtra | India | 19.24 | 73.14 | 68 | 457101 |
Канакона | city | Goa | India | 15.03 | 74.05 | 213 | 23311 |
Кананорском | city | Kerala | India | 11.87 | 75.37 | 6 | 20372 |
Канаудж | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.06 | 79.92 | 830 | 103056 |
Кандва | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 21.82 | 76.35 | 984 | 161746 |
Кандолим | city | | India | 15.52 | 73.77 | 45 | 65825 |
Каннаудж | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 27.06 | 79.92 | 830 | 103056 |
Канпур | city | Uttar Pradesh | India | 26.47 | 80.35 | 830 | 118402 |
Канхангад | city | Kerala | India | 12.32 | 75.07 | 0 | 57038 |
Канчипурам | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 12.83 | 79.71 | 265 | 140211 |
Каньякумари | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 8.08 | 77.55 | 3 | 71573 |
Караули | city | Rajasthan | India | 26.50 | 77.03 | 895 | 80526 |
Карвар | city | Karnataka | India | 14.81 | 74.13 | 49 | 46454 |
Каргил | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 34.56 | 76.13 | 9228 | 96249 |
Кареры | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 25.46 | 78.14 | 994 | 37442 |
Каримнагар | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 18.44 | 79.13 | 879 | 252887 |
Карнал | city | Haryana | India | 29.69 | 76.98 | 830 | 141859 |
Карнул | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 15.83 | 78.03 | 905 | 208178 |
Карур | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 10.96 | 78.08 | 390 | 91974 |
Катхуа | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 32.37 | 75.53 | 1017 | 56313 |
Кашипур | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.21 | 78.96 | 830 | 100872 |
Кашіпур | city | Uttarakhand | India | 29.21 | 78.96 | 830 | 100872 |
Квилон | city | Kerala | India | 8.88 | 76.58 | 3 | 320022 |
Кейлонг | city | Himachal Pradesh | India | 32.57 | 77.02 | 12588 | 298 |
Кишангарх | city | Rajasthan | India | 26.59 | 74.86 | 1669 | 91094 |
Киштваре | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 33.31 | 75.77 | 5374 | 115102 |
Ковалам | city | Kerala | India | 8.37 | 77.00 | 0 | 75632 |
Кодайканал | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 10.24 | 77.50 | 6108 | 32769 |
Кожикод | city | Kerala | India | 11.25 | 75.78 | 6 | 187787 |
Кожикоде | city | Kerala | India | 11.25 | 75.78 | 6 | 187787 |
Коимбатор | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 11.01 | 76.97 | 1249 | 49529 |
Коимбатур | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 11.01 | 76.97 | 1249 | 49529 |
Кокраджар | city | Assam | India | 26.40 | 90.27 | 121 | 26470 |
Колам | city | Kerala | India | 8.88 | 76.58 | 3 | 320022 |
Колар | city | Karnataka | India | 13.14 | 78.13 | 2696 | 106833 |
Колката | city | West Bengal | India | 22.56 | 88.36 | 42 | 1502606 |
Колкате | city | West Bengal | India | 22.56 | 88.36 | 42 | 1502606 |
Коллам | city | Kerala | India | 8.88 | 76.58 | 3 | 320022 |
Колхапур | city | Maharashtra | India | 16.70 | 74.23 | 1784 | 412571 |
Коннот-Плейс | city | Delhi | India | 28.63 | 77.22 | 830 | 1821156 |
Коппал | city | Karnataka | India | 15.35 | 76.15 | 1732 | 86905 |
Корапут | city | Odisha | India | 18.81 | 82.71 | 2857 | 46414 |
Кота | city | Rajasthan | India | 25.18 | 75.84 | 879 | 154713 |
Коттаям | city | Kerala | India | 9.59 | 76.52 | 9 | 210083 |
Кохима | city | Nagaland | India | 25.67 | 94.11 | 5029 | 79885 |
Кохіма | city | Nagaland | India | 25.67 | 94.11 | 5029 | 79885 |
Кочин | city | Kerala | India | 9.95 | 76.25 | 9 | 109027 |
Коччи | city | Kerala | India | 9.95 | 76.25 | 9 | 109027 |
Кочі | city | Kerala | India | 9.95 | 76.25 | 9 | 109027 |
Коїмбатор | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 11.01 | 76.97 | 1249 | 49529 |
Кришнагири | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 12.53 | 78.22 | 2053 | 71398 |
Кришнанагар | city | West Bengal | India | 23.41 | 88.49 | 45 | 161636 |
Крішнанаґар | city | West Bengal | India | 23.41 | 88.49 | 45 | 161636 |
Куддалор | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 11.75 | 79.76 | 3 | 84178 |
Куддалоре | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 11.75 | 79.76 | 3 | 84178 |
Куддалур | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 11.75 | 79.76 | 3 | 84178 |
Култи | city | West Bengal | India | 23.73 | 86.84 | 370 | 42847 |
Кумбаконам | city | Tamil Nadu | India | 10.96 | 79.38 | 78 | 148269 |
Курнул | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 15.83 | 78.03 | 905 | 208178 |
Курукшетра | city | Haryana | India | 29.96 | 76.83 | 830 | 97346 |
Кучер | city | Rajasthan | India | 26.99 | 73.97 | 987 | 30797 |
Кхаджурахо | city | Madhya Pradesh | India | 24.85 | 79.93 | 928 | 23204 |
Кхаммам | city | Andhra Pradesh | India | 17.25 | 80.14 | 390 | 130711 |
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