
Alphabetical listing of Places in Gambia, The

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Modi Kulo city Lower River Gambia, The 13.37 -15.35 154 3821
Modouya city Western Gambia, The 13.22 -16.65 101 32905
Modu Jawo Kunda city Upper River Gambia, The 13.55 -13.90 104 2889
Momadu Kunda city Upper River Gambia, The 13.33 -14.27 167 22170
Momodu Kunda city Upper River Gambia, The 13.33 -14.27 167 22170
Monong city Western Gambia, The 13.19 -16.06 170 6898
Morbugu city Upper River Gambia, The 13.25 -14.27 91 16468
Mousa Nding Kunda city Upper River Gambia, The 13.35 -14.45 104 9244

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