
Alphabetical listing of Places in Western

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Tabaiel city Western Gambia, The 13.23 -15.85 157 6785
Tabo Kotor city Western Gambia, The 13.41 -16.67 42 234445
Tabokoto city Western Gambia, The 13.19 -16.77 78 29219
Tabokoto city Western Gambia, The 13.41 -16.67 42 234445
Taibatu city Western Gambia, The 13.23 -16.74 85 19741
Tamba Kunda city Western Gambia, The 13.22 -15.97 95 4094
Tambakunda city Western Gambia, The 13.17 -16.14 88 4463
Tampoto city Western Gambia, The 13.21 -16.26 124 7502
Tampoto city Western Gambia, The 13.20 -16.25 154 6879
Tampoto Koto city Western Gambia, The 13.22 -16.27 147 7736
Tanene city Western Gambia, The 13.23 -16.51 88 10836
Tanje city Western Gambia, The 13.35 -16.79 72 30262
Tanjeh city Western Gambia, The 13.35 -16.79 72 30262
Tanjen city Western Gambia, The 13.35 -16.79 72 30262
Tanji city Western Gambia, The 13.35 -16.79 72 30262
Tanji Manjago city Western Gambia, The 13.35 -16.78 68 37772
Tawtoh city Western Gambia, The 13.36 -16.69 78 77295
Tintiba city Western Gambia, The 13.27 -16.04 82 5819
Tintinto city Western Gambia, The 13.30 -16.79 39 18849
Trankill city Western Gambia, The 13.40 -16.74 49 95166
Tranquil city Western Gambia, The 13.17 -16.66 32 14817
Tuba city Western Gambia, The 13.20 -16.36 114 7580
Tuba Kuta city Western Gambia, The 13.27 -16.27 19 4572
Tuba Kuta, Tuba Koto, Tuba city Western Gambia, The 13.25 -16.60 121 24420
Tubakuta city Western Gambia, The 13.25 -16.60 121 24420
Tubakuta city Western Gambia, The 13.25 -16.28 114 6460
Tubaya city Western Gambia, The 13.35 -16.73 39 40207
Tujereng city Western Gambia, The 13.32 -16.79 75 18858
Tujering city Western Gambia, The 13.32 -16.79 75 18858
Tujurei city Western Gambia, The 13.32 -16.79 75 18858
Tuman Tenda city Western Gambia, The 13.22 -16.47 65 11887
Tunjina city Western Gambia, The 13.29 -16.57 101 6188

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