Directory of Cities and Towns in Trashigang, Bhutan

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Alphabetical listing of Places in Trashigang

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Benkar city Trashigang Bhutan 27.33 91.55 5301 11081
Radi city Trashigang Bhutan 27.37 91.68 4468 7003
Sakden city Trashigang Bhutan 27.38 91.87 11748 6937
Sakdon city Trashigang Bhutan 27.38 91.87 11748 6937
Sakteng city Trashigang Bhutan 27.38 91.87 11748 6937
Tashi Gang Dzong city Trashigang Bhutan 27.33 91.55 5301 11081
Tashigang city Trashigang Bhutan 27.33 91.55 5301 11081
Thimsing city Trashigang Bhutan 27.13 91.62 5029 7003
Thrimshing city Trashigang Bhutan 27.13 91.62 5029 7003
Trashigang city Trashigang Bhutan 27.33 91.55 5301 11081
Wamrong city Trashigang Bhutan 27.07 91.57 5318 7003
བཀྲ་ཤིས་སྒང་། city Trashigang Bhutan 27.33 91.55 5301 11081
タシガン city Trashigang Bhutan 27.33 91.55 5301 11081

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